Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 45: Summer cold slows progress

Maximum number of words:80,000
Words typed so far:75,896
Words typed this week:1715
Words lost this week:0
Total increase:0
Days I managed to write this week:0

This week the words have been slow, that is in some ways not surprising it has been the start of a new chapter and that is always slow and I have also had a cold. I failed to realise I had a cold when I started writing and so I was getting rather down about the amount of work I was managing to do and how limited my concentration was. In fact I am slightly further on than this but this was as far as I got last night.

This chapter is about belonging and looks at the connection between the individual and the congregation. It needs to look at this both from the perspective of the congregation and the perspective of the individual. Sociology tends to be a big to small dynamic and so I am hoping that Social Constructivism which is technically part of Social Psychology may produce a better understanding of the work the individual is doing.

The other thing is that I am beginning to realise that writing theory is very different from writing data description and I am much slower at writing theory as I need to go back and forward between the literature and the writing as I need to be careful I get it right. This means that I can spend an hour or two for just 200 words because most of the time is spent reading and writing. The good news is that since my supervision mid week I know what I was missing from my theory section that was making it so short, I was forgetting to show how others had used the theorist I was using. I will need to put that in but it does mean with this chapter that I am putting that in right from the start.

I have a second go at theory this week, needing to put together something on the "work" an individual does to maintain an identity of a group and then something on power between the individual and the group. I also would like to get registered this week with the University of Birmingham, they still have not got me sorted.

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