Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 16: finally got to grips with part of the editing of my methodology chapter

Maximum number of words: 80,000
Words typed so far:30,844
Words typed this week: 2720
Words lost this week: 2321
Total increase: 399
Days I managed to write this week: 4

Yes I managed to cut over two thousand words from my methodology chapter! Most of the time it was looking for when I put in stutters because I was not confident of what I was saying. The indicator for the stutter was usually the first person singular pronoun, that is I was using "I" rather a lot. Indeed sometimes I used it in places where it was positively unhelpful. For instance I did it when I was paraphrasing someone else's work to indicate it was my interpretation. It drew attention to me when basically I should have been taking a back seat. I have since found another one, I use "the fact" when either it is unnecessary or I mean something else such as "evidenced" etc.  Spotting these nervous ticks as a writer is the start of improving one's writing.

Other than that my location chapter is getting going. I also have two note books, one for each placement and in them I am making notes about how I am writing them up because there is a fair amount of fictionalisation required so as not to make obvious to rather a lot of people who exactly said what. It also makes things easier for the reader to follow if their are fewer people. I think I have got the introduction sorted, there is now a section on carparking written. Why isn't there any theology of Carparking, I can't even find a book on the use of the car within congregational studies yet surely the car has had a very profound way on the way we do church.

Other than that I have a supervision this week and so have had to get papers ready for that. We shall see what I end up doing next week. I am now writing about buildings and such. Done the bit about domains, now I need to look at the style.

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