Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 27: Slower progress due to getting distracted finding a quote

Maximum number of words:80,000
Words typed so far:48,412
Words typed this week:2164
Words lost this week:0
Total increase:2164
Days I managed to write this week:4

This week the increase has been slower. This was in part due to me being sidetracked yesterday. In last weeks writing I recalled a quote from Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, there was only one problem, I thought I no longer had a copy. So I ordered a full copy. I then found I still had a friends copy on my shelf, (sorry Sue sometime I really must get around to returning it to you, it is in far too good a condition to be mine). The old copy which is the same as edition of the one I owned twenty years ago had only one abbreviated appendix. Yesterday before I started writing in this weeks I decided to see if I could find the quote. This was going to be interesting as I have not looked at Lord of the Rings in any edition for fifteen years. Now my assumption was that it would have come from the edition I owned so I ignored the appendices. However after several hours absorbed in trying to find it by cross checking against the index (I found I was reading far more than was strictly necessary) I decided I had to try another approach. So I went on the internet. That was not easy but eventually on an obscure site found the actual quote. My assumption about it being in my old copy was wrong. It was in an appendix my old copy clearly had not had. That means I must have noted it while briefly reading in a friends copy some twenty years ago. It is strange how my brain works! Something must have struck me about that quote even then. Having traced it, I decided that as it was a mood quote I should use a different one from Lord of the Rings instead.

Also this week a friend sent through notice of conference on Exploring Spirituality in the Reformed Tradition  which will give me chance to talk to think about that section of the thesis with others just before I start it. I should be tidying up the chapter on community and starting the one on Worship before I try and write the chapter on Reformed Piety. The problem is that we use "Spirituality" and I am really not sure it should not be "Spiritualities" given the diversity is inherent within the tradition.

So yesterday I ended up very short of time for writing which meant I only got in about five hundred words, so I have had to make up for that today. I actually had plenty to write as I had the ideas for the rest of the section I am working on, which is on what the congregations understand as being "welcoming" and "friendly". It is intriguing that both congregations have understandings that suit their approach to being church and what they understand as important. I think that many other people have an idea of "welcoming" and "friendly" means, and that if any church is going to actually look at something with "Welcome" in the title then it needs to look at what it means by that and what others mean like that.

So tomorrow I am hoping to get some serious reading done (although I need to tidy the house and get some money out as well) then the rest of the week I need to finish drafting the section on Welcome and start on the theory section for the beginning. I think I will tackle anxiety first, rather than boundaries.

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