Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Quick Note having got Belonging chapter back in Second Draft

This week has seen better progress than last week. I will not get chance to work on thesis tomorrow as there is a big do at church to say farewell to our minister as she is leaving including lunch. I will find it exhausting and I have other jobs to tackle such as sorting out the duties for communion for the following week. Anyway I have got the chapter on Belonging into a form which I think my supervisor would prefer. That is I have mixed the theory in with the theorizing. This I hope will go a long way towards making clear what I am arguing and that although separate one is always informing the other.

The other thing that I have done is to add a final section. This was perhaps the most fun part of the writing as it was taking what I had observed and relating it to two wider sets of ideas. This is actually the sort of writing I have done quite a bit when preparing supervisory papers during my doctorate and is in my opinion fun. The two sets of ideas I was dealing with were the pairing of believing and belonging by Grace Davie and the work of James Hopewell on Congregations and how their identity functions. It was a neat tidy point but opened up a whole lot more questions that could be explored outside this study.

I also have updated the style sheet for my proof readers. What I was intrigued was to find there was a rule for whether you capitalise or not the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. The answer is yes if you are talking of the generic form as there but not if you are talking of a specific event. So if I wanted to say I went to my goddaughter's baptism then the b is in lower case! You learn something new every day.

I have started redrafting the chapter on flows. Intriguingly this time I found I could only start structuring it once I had written the introduction. I do not normally write the introduction until the end. However I will need to go back to the introduction to finesse it and put in an idea of what is covered in this chapter. That means next weekend I am writing four mini articles (about 1,500 essays) on the relationship of four different aspects of fluid dynamics.

Oh and the doll, well she has gone through a fair bit of the thesis with me. Firstly timing interviews so they did not go too far over the hour, secondly timing writing time in a morning and now timing  Pomodoro slots which I concentrate for.

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