Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 37: Catchup week which means heavy writing

Maximum number of words:80,000
Words typed so far:61,136
Words typed this week:3579
Words lost this week:0
Total increase:3579
Days I managed to write this week:4

This week has been catch-up week.  Last week I did not get a word written but I did do a lot of careful qualitative analysis. That can really only be written at the computer and I also needed to finish the detailed work. Well I did this week. It was not as interesting as I thought, but it gave me some results and I am on firmer ground. Something I guessed at in earlier writing has come to be on firmer ground. However this week I was writing properly again, well descriptive writing and I found that once I was not on the stuff that needs careful analysis my brain flows as it always has done. However the week was heavy and ended up bribing myself to finish the formal writing last night so as to have today fairly clear. 

I also saw my minister this week for a long chat, most of it irrelevant to thesis but am realising that the answer to putting in the theory into the description may be at least in draft form be done in the form of side notes like post it notes. Then I can work in more and more depth until it comes clear what is going on. This was her suggestion.

This week I have to write about services that are not the main worship service. There are two sorts the occasional, such as the Christmas Carol Service and the regular, in both congregations these were evening services which had a very different feel to the main morning ones.  So this week I better be reading my supervisors book. Well there is him and one or two Roman Catholic specialists and Roman Catholic sociologist of Religion are very different from Protestant ones. Where we see diversity and confusion they see unity and order. It really is quite interesting how a traditions culture affects those who study it, even in traditions which are not essentially part of the culture.

The thing is to find the connections that spin out from worship to wider sociological concerns. When I have them then I can write the theory section with relative ease.


  1. If you've ever said what the minimum acceptable number of words in a thesis is I've missed it. But you must be close to that number now.

    Three weeks writing at that daily rat and it's done.

  2. Thanks but I expect the first draft to be between 80,000 and 100,000, I then have to go through all the description and make notes on all the argument. Then create a final draft by taking out all the bits I do not need, putting in the argument were necessary and turning it into a finished article. The argument has only just started coming. This is analysis through writing. So first draft date is early autumn. Final draft before Easter.
