Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 2011 Supervision

Another month and the supervision was relatively straight forward. The words are still coming, probably too many at times and part of that is delaying the time when I will have to step into the subject in detail. Not as smooth, although the paper I have attached is much in its final state, I think I will prepare a small set of OHPs just to cover the bits that are easier done on OHP but these are not essential. The hymns are probably better done that way, I can add a few extra ones for interest but I suspect I need no more than half a dozen. Actually this is quite a good overview of the thesis, there is one part missing, which I might put into the paper if ever I send it to a journal because it is there but it would have made this paper too long and it was easiest to drop.

The actual writing I have to take a couple of sections out, they belong elsewhere and add about another 30% to one section which I had not written. I am trying to get at, that I have a relationship with the congregations and a relationship with the tradition and what I am trying to work out is what is the relationship of the congregation to the tradition.

I also have the timetable for papers for the conference. The group I am with has another URC student, I just sincerely hope he has not done the sensible thing and asked about my surname and "theology" within the URC as the programme does not give first names. If he is the one minister with that particular surname then he is a New Zealand Presbyterian in origin. However he is known both to friends and acquainted with at least one of my parents. He is talking about practical godliness and how that effects the URC, from my observations I suspect more than most people think so we will have something to talk about.

The conference is popular and there are far more short paper sessions I would like to attend than I can. At two out of the four I have a choice and may volunteer to chair a session in the other which has nothing I am particularly interested in going to. Indeed there are sessions running concurrently with mine that I would be interested in going to especially some of the papers on liturgy and theology.

So back to the grindstone tomorrow and I was just thinking I would have ethics sorted this weekend.

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