Thursday, September 12, 2013

Drafted and Bound

 A bound copy of current draft of my thesis
I am in a strange place at the moment. After over a decade of working towards my thesis, I am in the position where I can not do anything for almost three weeks. It feels weird.

Over the last week I have been pulling my thesis together, sorting out small details, such as the bibliography, front papers and a list of figures, plus getting it in the right format for the University of Birmingham for when I submit it.

Of course as with all theses, just as I got to the end of the first print out the printer threw a fit and not one I could sort. A friend, thanks Dave, came and fiddled with it, eventually turning it off and on again and it started working. So on Tuesday afternoon I actually took it to local binders. This was to basically get a binding that enables the two people (my supervisor and a proof reader who has not read any of it before) to work easily with a paper copy of a long document. All the proof reading and correcting effort that has gone in over the last few weeks should pay off and make it a readable document for them.

Today I collected it from the local binders and put one copy in an envelope to send to my supervisor. The only thing was while doing that I went to demonstrate what happened if you changed computers and did not check through when working with Word (Word formats changes with printers that you are printing to, it is why much to my supervisors annoyance I have not numbered pages until now). However in doing so I found the figures were on far more different pages than I would expect. The reason being that I had actually changed the margins slightly and not then gone and checked the figures. Lesson learnt.

I then stopped off at the local Tesco and bought some reasonably priced sparkling wine. Then went along to my Local Post Office. It was shut for the morning. RETHINK.

So I went home and searched the web for alternative Post Offices. I found one in the city centre and so headed down there and put it in on special delivery. It is addressed to my supervisors official address, not to his actual office. So I sent him and email saying where I had sent it. Hopefully by Monday it will have been delivered to a place where he can collect it!

This blog is now going to go silent until my next supervision after which I will let you know what I still need to do.

1 comment:

  1. Three weeks of being stagnant really isn't much compared to the decade's progress of your thesis. Seems like all horror stories about getting thesis help involves something with a printer getting busted. At least you got it fixed, some theses claim victim to printers and they don't function for good. Good luck with your thesis, your blog will definitely be missed.
